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How to Manage Your Facebook Circle

The Facebook circle is your way of living in another space. It is not just a circle of friends; it is you, your public persona and invisible resume.

Strengthen Your Personal Image

The best status for your circle is "Sing the right song on the right mountain."

When working, be full of fighting spirit; when resting, cherish the time.

Posting daily about fun activities can seem frivolous; constantly posting about overtime work can be tiresome for others.

You should display your ability to manage your life and time instead of complaining frequently.

Never mention bad things about yourself in your circle, even self-deprecation should be avoided. If someone self-deprecates or puts themselves down, unless they are a close friend who can joke about it, your response should always be, "You're not fat!" or "It's great!"

Observe and learn from friends whose circles you admire. If you notice a friend consistently gets more likes and comments on similar content, learn and emulate them.

Your circle is the most convenient channel for others to understand you. Frequently reminding others "What kind of person I am" is a good way to strengthen your personal image.

Make Good Use of Hashtags

Utilize the "Hashtag" feature effectively. If you want to strengthen your relationship with specific friends, choose "@" them to alert them to see your post, making them feel special.

Keep Negative Energy Out

Do not post negative energy in your circle, especially ambiguous posts that indirectly attack others. It's easy for people to take it personally, and even if you haven't offended anyone, those who care about you will crowd in with concern, wasting your time explaining.

When discussing failures, add a bit of humor. If you're not confident in your sense of humor, it's best not to talk about failures.

Avoid exposing too many details about your personal life. Facebook is gradually leaning towards being a tool; more strangers are appearing in your circle, and excessively exposing your personal life is unwise and inappropriate.

Showcase Some Alone Time

Showcasing some alone time can bring you closer to your friends who view your posts. Night running, yoga, fishing, flower watching, kite flying, tea drinking, and handicrafts are all activities that reflect your solitude and are good for relieving stress.

Avoid Showing Off Your Relationship

“Showing off your relationship” primarily corresponds to the term “single dog” used online. Single individuals refer to themselves as “single dogs,” often as a self-deprecating term. As this term has become increasingly popular, it has even been abbreviated to “dog.” Thus, new related terms have emerged. Showing off your relationship essentially means flaunting love and happiness.

If you have to compare, showing off pets is better than showing off kids, and showing off kids is better than flaunting your relationship. Don't genuinely believe that "showing off your relationship" is warm; not many people truly care about your family life.

Every time people view your posts, they are also reassessing your value.

Three-Tier Feedback System

Besides managing the content of your circle, actively managing the "relationships" within it is also important.

You should have a feedback consciousness regarding others' posts, which can be implemented through a "three-tier feedback system": the first level is simple liking, the second level is commenting on specific content, and the third level involves more skillful engagement.

If someone posts something significant, like illness or important events, the best way to respond is to privately message them to show your concern.

Three Important Status Updates for Your Circle

Finally, remember that your status updates should ideally convey these three messages:

  1. I’m busy but doing well
  2. I’m strong and useful
  3. I’m an interesting person

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