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How to Obtain a Large Number of LINE IDs for Easy LINE Friend Additions

Facebook Groups

Explore Facebook Groups

If you have friends' LINE IDs, you can directly enter the ID in LINE to add them as friends. LINE ID is currently the easiest way to find friends. First, you can browse Facebook groups; since adding friends is easy on FB, there are many groups (extremely many, of all types, including ones you wouldn't expect) that you can explore. It is recommended to join a few groups every few days (joining too many at once may result in a week-long ban from FB). Many FB groups allow members to leave their LINE IDs, and you can find many LINE friends this way.

If you're in a hurry, it's advisable to search on Facebook using keywords like "LINE," "add LINE friends," "LINE groups," or "add LINE chats" to find many groups or individuals focused on adding LINE friends.

Online Forums and Discussion Boards

Discussion Forums

Other places like online forums, PTT, Dcard, and discussion boards can also help you find LINE IDs.

Online forums, often referred to as forums, discussion boards, etc., are programs that provide online discussion spaces, or websites built around online discussions. They began to gain popularity after Usenet in the 1980s, and most online forums have technically replaced the earlier telephone-based BBS services. Although they have technically replaced BBS, many forums still retain the name "BBS."



PTT (批踢踢實業坊) is a Taiwanese electronic bulletin board that operates using Telnet BBS technology, based on resources from Taiwan's academic network. Originally intended for academic purposes, it provides an online space for discourse. Currently managed by the National Taiwan University Electronic Bulletin Board System Research Society, most of the system's original code is maintained by students and alumni from the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering at National Taiwan University, with legal professionals serving as legal advisors.


Dcard is a social networking service website in Taiwan that allows only students from Taiwan and select overseas universities to register. Founded by National Taiwan University students Lin Yu-Chin and Jian Qin-Yo, it was named after their university's creative entrepreneurship program and was developed as a way for students to meet new friends beyond their usual social circles.

Extraction Service

Subscribe to Extraction Service

Good news! If you don't have time to search for LINE friends, we have officially launched the Extraction Service ! After subscribing, you will have access to millions of marketing targets.

When you search for friends to add on LINE using phone numbers, you may find it very troublesome and time-consuming due to some numbers not being registered on LINE! So how can you easily and precisely search for and add friends in bulk? Extraction Service makes it happen! Now, simply subscribe to the LINE Auto Friend Adding AUTOF software Extraction Service and hit the start button, and the remaining friend-adding work will be done by Extraction Service for you. You will be amazed to discover that the friends you want are continuously coming in from the cloud, effortlessly and without wasting time!

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