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JavaScript Syntax

JavaScript is a scripting language widely used for client-side web development, most commonly used with HTML to add dynamic functionality to HTML pages. However, JavaScript is also used in different interfaces, such as servers. It was initially designed by Brendan Eich of Netscape and is a dynamic, weakly typed, prototype-based language with built-in support for types. JavaScript is a trademark of Oracle Corporation. ECMA International has developed the ECMAScript standard based on JavaScript. JavaScript can also be used in other scenarios, such as server-side programming. A complete implementation of JavaScript consists of three parts: ECMAScript, the Document Object Model, and the Browser Object Model.

Netscape initially named its scripting language LiveScript, but later changed it to JavaScript after collaborating with Sun. JavaScript was originally inspired by Java and one of its goals was to "look like Java," thus there are similarities in syntax and some naming conventions borrowed from Java. However, the primary design principles of JavaScript are derived from Self and Scheme. The similarity in names between Java and JavaScript was a marketing strategy by Netscape to align with Sun Microsystems. To gain a competitive edge, Microsoft launched JScript to compete with JavaScript as a scripting language. For interoperability, ECMA International (formerly known as the European Computer Manufacturers Association) established the ECMA-262 standard (ECMAScript). Now both belong to the ECMAScript implementation. Although JavaScript is marketed and promoted as a scripting language for non-programmers rather than as a programming language for programmers, it possesses very rich features.

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